Customers Don't Care About Your History!While it may feel critically important for you to share your company's history - customers don't care about it! Don't turn them off by...
The “Customer Centric Filter”Using the “Customer Centric Filter” Will Improve Your Marketing Actions speak louder than words. Psychologists tell us that how we...
Three Tips On Getting Customer FeedbackDon’t Make the Customer Jump Through Hoops to Give You Essential Feedback! Seeking to integrate customer feedback into your marketing...
Becoming Customer Centric is Simple – But Not EasyBeing Customer Centric is Essential to Effective Marketing If you surveyed 100 marketers and asked “Are your efforts ‘Customer Centric’...
Buyer Empowerment Through Order AutomationIt’s a simple fact that given a choice, B2B buyers will choose the path of least resistance. Like all of us, buyers are very busy and...
Cultivating Customer AdvocatesIf you study the classic sell cycle you often see the process end with “the close”. In other words, once the sale is made, companies...